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Visual & Performing Arts and Computer Science

The department strives to make learning visible, inspiring students to be creative, risk-taking thinkers, and makers. Our goal is to guide and inspire students to be both intentional and reflective with their artistic choices. We provide a space for students to share their thoughts about how art helps them understand and interpret the world.

Our Visual & Performing Arts and Computer Science (VPA + CS) department has been a leader in curricular innovation and design. The department’s showcase is “Frosh Creation: Think, Make, Share,” which has been offered since the 2018-19 school year. In this class, the worlds of art, computational thinking, music, and computer science fuse together and provide students opportunities to develop their teaming and design thinking skills while incorporating key elements from each discipline.

In conjunction with our VPA colleagues at De La Salle, we are able to offer our students more than 20 different course options! These range from beginner to AP course work with classes that are sure to appeal to the artist that resides in each student. The department is committed to meet the needs and interests of our students and continually revises, revamps, and creates new courses.

One of the department’s biggest collaborations is the annual Winton Arts Festivala multi-day celebration of student work and performances. This takes place each spring on the campuses of both Carondelet and De La Salle. Be sure to watch for more information in the spring!

Carondelet offers visual and performing arts classes in:

  • VISUAL ARTS (Three-Dimensional Art, Two-Dimensional Art, & General)
  • MUSIC (Choir, Instrumental, & General)

Graduation Requirements: 15 Credits (in VPA)

9th Grade: Students will take Frosh Creation: Think, Make, Share.

10th Grade: Students are encouraged to take a year-long 10 credit course as part of the UC/CSU required course list. See course descriptions below for options.

11th & 12th Grade: Students may take 10 credit year-long offerings as well as 5 credit semester-long offerings. These may be used to fulfill graduation requirements as well as elective expectations for UC/CSU. See course descriptions below for options.

Carondelet offers computer science classes at entry and AP levels for elective credit.

VPA courses and pathways

View all Visual and Performing Arts courses, including AP and Honors level classes and electives. 


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  • Advanced Costume and Fashion

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    Completion of 1 year of Costume + Fashion Design and instructor approval

    This advanced course focuses on developing a portfolio of two-dimensional and three-dimensional costume and fashion design pieces. Building on foundational skills such as pattern making, draping, and construction, students will explore more complex techniques in clothing design. Opportunities to showcase work include drama productions, a student-produced fashion show, and other arts-related events. Students will select an artistic theme to guide their designs and are required to collaborate with the instructor on gallery visits, critiques, and reviews of both historical and contemporary fashion designers.

  • Advanced Dance

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 5 (may be applied as VPA or elective credit)
    Campus: Carondelet

    Audition or written approval of instructor

    This course is designed to challenge the experienced dance student. Emphasis is placed on improving technique through the execution of advanced extensions, turns, and jumps, including, but not limited to needles, fouettés, turns à la seconde, raked extensions, scissor jetés, straddle jetés, axles, and illusions. The development of the stylized movement is a prominent aspect of this class. A comprehensive warm-up, a series of across the floor exercises, and a variety of dance combinations are taught throughout the semester, focusing on the genres of jazz, lyrical, and contemporary/modern. Students will have the opportunity to explore the art of choreography and may be required to participate in public performance(s).  

    Note: Carondelet dance pant, leotard, and appropriate dance shoes are required.


    *may be applied as kinesiology, Visual and Performing Arts or as elective credit.

  • Animation 1 - P

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    Two dimensional design or another visual art course

    In Animation, students will create their own individual and group animations. Students will learn to storyboard, build animation puppets, and use computer film editing software. Projects may include: Hand Drawn, Claymation, and Computer Animation. Students will also view cartoons from the earliest Mickey Mouse to the latest from Pixar and DreamWorks as they learn about this amazing industry’s major historical and modern influences. This is a five credit semester course.

  • Animation 2 - P

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    Animation 1

    Animation 2 continues the development of skills learned in Animation 1. It is designed to improve and expand storyboarding, build animation puppets, and use computer animation editing software. Projects may include Hand Drawn, Claymation, and Computer Animation. Students will also view cartoons from the earliest Mickey Mouse to the latest from Pixar and DreamWorks as they learn about this amazing industry’s major historical and modern influences. This is a five credit semester course.

  • AP 2-D Art and Design

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    Carondelet students should have TMS, DLS should have Fundamentals, and then all should have one year of a visual arts class before seeking instructor approval to take this course. Students with experience outside of Carondelet can meet with AP Instructor to determine eligibility.

    In AP Art and Design, students will deepen the skills that artists and designers use to create a portfolio which will be scored by the College Board. Students will select one of the three disciplines to focus their portfolio work: 2D Art, 3D Art, or Drawing.

    In this course, students will explore visual literacy frameworks, practice design thinking, and create an inquiry-based portfolio of 15 artworks in accordance with the College Board criterion for success. Students may also choose to use this portfolio for college applications. 

    Specific areas of study include: 

    • Ideation through investigation of different environmental aspects such as pop culture, current events, films, contemporary artist research, etc.
    • Observational drawing, printmaking, basics of web design, motion graphics, animation, and painting.
    • Documentation and organization of artwork including both finished work and work in progress.
    • Journaling and reflective writing sessions students. These will result in artistic statements that reflect inquiry outcomes such as aesthetic sense, personal artistic voice, and creative confidence. 

    Note: students are required to start their portfolio by completing three projects over the summer. See the AP instructor for the assignments.

  • AP Art History

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    Semester of an art creation course, a teacher recommendation and: A grade of B- or higher in Honors English and Honors History; A grade of A- or higher in both English History. and HNRS English, HNRS History: B- in both or higher; regular English/History A- or both or higher

    AP Art History is an introductory college-level art history course. Students cultivate their understanding of art history through analyzing works of art and placing them in historical context as they explore concepts like culture and cultural interactions, theories and interpretations of art, the impact of materials, processes, and techniques on art and art making, and understanding purpose and audience in art historical analysis.

  • AP Computer Science A

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    The student must be enrolled in or have successfully completed Algebra II, completed AP CSP with a passing grade, or have instructor approval.

    *Note: A strong foundation of basic linear functions, composition of functions, an understanding of the Cartesian plane, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving strategies that require multiple approaches and collaborative efforts.

    AP Computer Science A introduces students to computer science through programming. Fundamental topics in this course include the design of solutions to problems, the use of data structures to organize large sets of data, the development and implementation of algorithms to process data and discover new information, the analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing systems. The course emphasizes object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language. College Course Equivalent AP Computer Science A is equivalent to a first-semester, college-level course in computer science.

    The AP Computer Science A course requires that solutions of problems be written in the Java programming language. Because the Java programming language is extensive, with far more features than could be covered in a single introductory course, the AP Computer Science A Exam covers a subset of Java.

  • AP Computer Science Principles

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10 Computer Science
    Campus: Carondelet

    Successful completion of Algebra 1

    AP Computer Science Principles is an introductory computer science course equivalent to a college course for non-majors.

    The course introduces students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity, and how computing impacts our world.

    Using project-based lessons and materials throughout, students will work to address real-world problems and design solutions to put computational thinking into practice. These culminate in a capstone Performance Task project where students can demonstrate what they have learned - to become creators, instead of merely consumers, of the technology all around them. This course will prepare students for the end-of-course AP exam.

    Equipment needed: access to a computer at home for homework.

    Note: a course requirement includes summer homework.

  • AP Drawing

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    Carondelet students should have TMS, DLS should have Fundamentals, and then all should have one year of a visual arts class before seeking instructor approval to take this course. Students with experience outside of Carondelet can meet with AP Instructor to determine eligibility.

    In AP Art and Design, students will deepen the skills that artists and designers use to create a portfolio which will be scored by the College Board. Students will select one of the three disciplines to focus their portfolio work: 2D Art, 3D Art, or Drawing.

    In this course, students will explore visual literacy frameworks, practice design thinking, and create an inquiry-based portfolio of 15 artworks in accordance with the College Board criterion for success. Students may also choose to use this portfolio for college applications. 

    Specific areas of study include: 

    • Ideation through investigation of different environmental aspects such as pop culture, current events, films, contemporary artist research, etc.
    • Observational drawing, printmaking, basics of web design, motion graphics, animation, and painting.
    • Documentation and organization of artwork including both finished work and work in progress.
    • Journaling and reflective writing sessions students. These will result in artistic statements that reflect inquiry outcomes such as aesthetic sense, personal artistic voice, and creative confidence. 

    Note: students are required to start their portfolio by completing three projects over the summer. See the AP instructor for the assignments.

  • Architecture 1

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    TMS and a yearlong Visual Arts course

    The Architecture class explores the architectural design process looking at form, function, proportion, scale, and space. Students will investigate and learn about specific architectural requirements for public and private spaces as well as the psychology of space. Great emphasis is placed on creativity, graphic presentation, and computer skills. In addition, students will be able to lean on their experience of hand sketching. 2D and 3D assignments including architectural model making will be a part of their investigation. Designed to make connections with the real world, a great emphasis is placed on learning about socially responsible and sustainable architecture.

  • Band

    Course Level(s): 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: De La Salle


    This musical ensemble focuses on the preparation and performance of contemporary and traditional concert band and wind ensemble literature. Included in the curriculum are individual and ensemble performance techniques, sight-reading, music vocabulary, as well as aspects of music theory and history. Emphasis is on the immediate practical application of skills. In the fall, parade, and field show music and marching techniques will be explored. Performance is required at home football games, band reviews, parades, and school and community functions. As per the grading policy, members are required to attend all performances. This ensemble is considered the “core” of the De La Salle music program. This is a 0 period class.

  • Chamber Choir (H)

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    All students must audition with the Choral Director. Auditions will take place in April/May.

    Chamber Choir (H) is a blended course that is scheduled for period 7. A detailed calendar is posted on Schoology that outlines the days for which students need to physically report to this class during period 7. Concert Choir (H) is a performance-based class that provides students with opportunities to further advance their vocal and musical skill, knowledge, and expression through the study of collegiate-level choral literature. Students commit themselves to a rigorous performance schedule that includes a Christmas Concert, Visions of Christmas performances, Spring Concert, Liturgy performances, and the opportunity to travel and compete at the national level (trip cost varies; approximate cost is $500-$1,000). Note: if seeking instructor approval, an individual audition with the Choral Director must be arranged before enrolling in this course.

    Note: students will need to purchase choral attire (TBD) and a choral folder for participation in this class.

  • Chorus I/II

    Course Level(s): 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10 or 5
    Campus: Carondelet


    Chorus is a blended course that is scheduled for period 7. A detailed calendar is posted on Schoology which outlines the days for which students need to physically report to this class during period 7. Chorus is the fundamental starting point for all choral students. In this class, students learn the fundamentals of singing and develop the adolescent voice into a healthy musical instrument. We learn the basics of “how to” sing (two and three-part choral music), the basic elements of reading music, and the development of skills such as reading music at sight and writing music by ear using musical notation. Students commit themselves to a rigorous performance schedule that includes a Christmas Concert, Visions of Christmas performances, Spring Concert, Liturgy performances, and the opportunity to travel and compete at the national level (trip cost varies; approximate cost is $500-$1,000). At course end, students will have increased range, breath support, and confidence in singing as both an individual and as a member of a choral ensemble. The first semester of this course may be taken for five credits. If requesting to take this course as a semester offering, this should be clearly indicated on the “Course Request Form” by noting (SEM) next to course.

    Note: students will need to purchase choral attire (TBD) and a choral folder for participation in this class.

  • Concert Choir

    Course Level(s): 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    Chorus class or instructor approval

    Concert Choir is a blended course that is scheduled for period 7. A detailed calendar is posted on Schoology that outlines the days for which students need to physically report to this class during period 7. Chorale is a performance-based class that provides students with opportunities to further advance their vocal and musical skill, knowledge, and expression through the study of choral literature. Students commit themselves to a rigorous performance schedule that includes a Christmas Concert, Visions of Christmas performances, Spring Concert, Liturgy performances, and the opportunity to travel and compete at the national level (trip cost varies; approximate cost is $500-$1,000). Note: if seeking instructor approval, an individual audition with the choral director must be arranged before enrolling in this course.

    Note: students will need to purchase choral attire (TBD) and a choral folder for participation in this class.

  • Costume and Fashion Design

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet


    This is an introductory clothing design class that will focus on learning the basic skills required to design and build clothing, costumes, and fashions. It teaches students the aesthetic aspects of two and three-dimensional design necessary to create sketches, designs, and actual articles of clothing. This includes skills such as design cutting, draping, and stitching. This course also studies fashion trends throughout history from ancient times to modern-day and includes an understanding of cultural, social, political, and economic influences on fashion design. Opportunities for students to showcase work include participation in company shows, dance show(s), and a student-produced fashion show.

  • Engineering and Fabrication 1

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    TMS and a yearlong Visual Arts course

    A basic introduction to the world of Practical Engineering and Manufacturing focusing on the use of tools and machines along with how to design using a CAD program such as Fusion 360. Students would have the opportunity to learn the safe use of tools and machines along with how to manufacture using Computer-aided machinery. Along with the introduction to the tools and procedures of the fabrication area, students will get the chance to investigate people of importance from the manufacturing community

    Note: Engineering and Fabrication 1, 2, and 3 are UC/CSU approved College Prep Electives (area G) and do not satisfy the UC/CSU Visual and Performing Arts (area F) requirement.

  • Engineering and Fabrication 2

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    Engineering and Fabrication 1

    This Engineering and Fabrication 2 course continues the development of skills learned in Engineering and Fabrication 1. This course is an introduction to industrial drafting, design, and the application of CAD and CAM knowledge acquired from Engineering and Fabrication 1. Students will develop their skills and understanding in problem-finding and problem-solving along with the development of fabricating a workable design to answer the challenge posed. Emphasis will also be placed on developing the student’s ability to design, utilizing tools, appropriate technology, symbols, and language. There is a construction component to this course involving the student’s completed designs and the creation of working prototypes that can be tested and evaluated to see if they answer the design brief set at the outset of the project.

    Note: Engineering and Fabrication 1, 2, and 3 are UC/CSU approved College Prep Electives (area G) and do not satisfy the UC/CSU Visual and Performing Arts (area F) requirement.

  • Engineering and Fabrication 3

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    Engineering and Fabrication 2

    This course is focused on service learning, and the students are solely focused on working with a client to design and build an item that has been requested. Within this client-designer-fabricator course, students will learn how to work through a design process closely with a client and how to communicate design ideas. They will then be expected to fabricate their plans to a quality level that is acceptable to the client.

    Note: Engineering and Fabrication 1, 2, and 3 are UC/CSU approved College Prep Electives (area G) and do not satisfy the UC/CSU Visual and Performing Arts (area F) requirement.

  • Frosh Creation: Think, Make, Share

    Course Level(s): 9th grade
    Credits: 10 (5 VPA, 5 Elective)
    Campus: Carondelet


    “Frosh Creation: Think, Make, Share” is a team-taught course based in design thinking and creative thought. Students will learn how to interact with the world by tapping into their existing creative power. They will recognize that making mistakes is a critical part of the learning process and necessary for innovation to occur. Students will research, create, empathize, test, fail, and succeed through different creative projects and assignments.

    In addition, students will be exposed to audio and visual media, engineering design, and artistic analysis skills and learn how to use these tools in their work. By year-end students will recognize the power of their own creative thought and be ready to boldly share their ideas and solutions in and outside of class.

  • Graphic Publications (Yearbook)

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    Students can participate in this class by invitation only

    Graphic Publications is a full year course designed to introduce students to photo and written journalism and desktop publishing. Students will approach the task of compiling a yearbook through well-written copy, tasteful layout and design techniques, and effective cropping of photographs. Students will perform their tasks using Adobe Photoshop, Walsworth Yearbook 360, and other desktop publishing software.

    Note: this course can be taken more than once and instruction will be modified to take into account student level.

  • Jazz Band

    Course Level(s): 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: De La Salle

    Audition with instructor; concurrent enrollment in Concert/Marching Band is required for brass, percussion, and woodwind players.

    This is a music performance class with several goals: introduction of basic jazz techniques, including improvisation, and performance of standard Jazz/Big Band repertoire. Other performance styles explored will range from swing and bebop to fusion, and rock. The ensemble will consist of standard Big Band instrumentation: alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones, trumpets, trombones, guitar, bass, piano, and drums. The ensemble will not only perform home concerts, but also perform at school rallies, athletic events, community functions, and concert festivals. As per the grading policy, members are required to attend all performances. Membership in this ensemble is by audition and instructor approval. Members of this ensemble must be concurrently enrolled in the Concert/Marching Band (piano, guitar, and bass players may be exempted at the discretion of the director).

  • Multimedia Design 1

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    Two-Dimensional Design or Graphic Publications is a pre-requisite as an introduction for this course

    The Multimedia Design course engages students in learning graphic design skills, visual communication, and design theory in order to explore various means to convey a message. The principles of visual design, the design process, and the history of 20th-century design will be taught and executed through projects. Students will learn to navigate the vast world of communication in media design and industry through making, analyzing, experiencing, problem-solving, and playing with the intent of conveying a message, idea, and information. Hand and computer-based drawing, design iteration, and concept development are integral components of this course. 

  • Multimedia Design 2

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    Multimedia 1

    The Multimedia Design 2 course continues the development of skills learned in Multi-Media Design 1. The principles of visual design, the design process, and the history of 20th-Century design will be used to develop brand designs and the idea and ideology of branding and logo design. Students will learn to navigate the vast world of communication in media design and industry through making, analyzing, experiencing, problem-solving, and playing with the intent of conveying a message, idea, and information. Hand and computer-based drawing, design iteration, and concept development are integral components of this course. Students will have the opportunity to realize their designs with the use of computer-based machines such as vinyl cutters, laser cutters, 3D printers, and other computer-directed machinery. course. 

  • Music Theory

    Course Level(s): 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: De La Salle


    This course will introduce students to the theory of music, providing them with the skills needed to read and write music notation, as well as to understand, analyze, and listen informedly. It will cover material such as pitches, scales, intervals, clefs, rhythm, form, meter, phrases, ear training, harmony, and basic composition techniques. The course will also be useful to experienced musicians with or without music notation skills who wish to improve overall musicianship. No previous music experience is necessary.

  • Painting 1

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    Two Dimensional Design or department approval

    This introductory course explores the creation of two-dimensional art, including painting and basic design principles using oil pastels, watercolor, and acrylic. Emphasis is given to the development and application of the elements of art and most importantly, to the establishing of a personal connection to art making. This is a 5 credit semester course.

  • Painting 2

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    Painting 1

    Painting 2 continues the development of skills learned in Painting I. It is designed to improve and expand two-dimensional art techniques with an emphasis on painting, drawing, and design. The course is intended to reinforce a deliberate use of the principles of design and to help students develop a more personal voice in their art-making. Students will deepen their critical skills and will develop a portfolio that will prepare them to attend an AP studio class should they choose to do so. They will study connections between art, art history, and culture and will learn about ethics and careers in Art. This is a 5 credit semester course.

  • Photo and Film

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    A 5 unit introductory visual art class such as Fundamentals of Art (DLS) or Frosh Creation: Think, Make, Share (CHS) or department approval.

    Students will create and critique photographs and films. The class will familiarize students with film and photography equipment, materials, methods, and processes. The students will also be introduced to editing and manipulating images. They will also learn the history of photography and film from its invention to present day.

  • Pop Music and Production - P

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10
    Campus: Carondelet

    Successful completion of TMS or Department Approval

    In this course, students will explore the historical development and cultural significance of popular music from the 1950s to the 2000s. The class starts with Hip-Hop and traces the evolution of music backwards through Alternative Music, Early Rock, Heavy Metal, the diverse landscape of the 1960s, and into the beginnings of Rock n’ Roll in the 1950s. Students will explore the events that influenced the creation of the music, critically evaluate the significance of iconic artists and movements, and discover how technological advances in music composition and recording impacted the music created. Students will then compose their own original music inspired by the style of each genre studied. At the end of the course, students will possess a firm understanding of Pop Music’s historical context and contemporary relevance and will be able to showcase their learning with a digital music portfolio and a public performance.

  • Scientific Illustration/Scientific Illustration (H)

    Course Level(s): 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
    Credits: 10 or 5
    Campus: Carondelet

    Two Dimensional Art or teacher approval (presentation of comparable exposure to fundamental principles of drawing will be required)

    Students should have taken one yearlong science Chemistry or Biology (with C or better). 

    In this course, students will explore the methods and styles used by professional illustrators, learning why illustration is essential for communicating biological mechanisms that cannot be captured through photography. They will develop advanced techniques in scientific illustration, life drawing, and diagramming, using a variety of styles and media to create original artwork. The focus will be on applying the principles and elements of art to render scientific subjects. This course uniquely blends biological science and art, offering students the opportunity to enhance their creative skills while deepening their understanding of the natural world.

    Both semester and yearlong options available for this course. Yearlong course gets Honors credit.

    Note: Students need iPads with Procreate and Apple Pencils.

  • Sculpture 1

    Course Level(s): 11th & 12th grades
    Credits: 5
    Campus: De La Salle

    Two Dimensional Design or Department Apporval

    Sculpture 1 is an in-depth look at the materials, techniques, and principles involved in creating three-dimensional art. Techniques in hand forming, carving, assemblage, and fabrication will be studied. Understanding static and kinetic art is a major part of this program, and students will work in metal, plastic, plaster, Paper Mache, and other media to create examples of each. Drawing, design iteration, and concept development will also be an important component of this course.

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