9th Grade - DISCOVER
Students try something new, discover an interest, get involved.
Freshman year is all about establishing study skills, seizing opportunities and becoming the person students are meant to be. The College Counseling and Program Coordinator is the lead for freshmen, helping them as they transition to a new setting and guiding them so they can make the most of their high school experience.
10th Grade - EXPLORE
Students explore strengths, deepen meaningful commitments, and further academic interests.
Sophomore year is time to connect strengths with the bigger college picture. College counselors begin talking with students about college criteria, teach them how to research colleges, and help them reflect on their individual needs through personality assessments and career interest exploration. Students will be introduced to MaiaLearning, Carondelet’s college search and planning platform, so they can start putting the pieces together.
11th Grade - THRIVE
Students begin their college search in earnest, learning valuable skills along the way that will serve them in college and beyond.
In the fall, over 120 admissions officers visit Carondelet, meeting with our students, and our annual out-of-state college fair introduces families to options beyond California. January officially kicks off with Junior Kickstart, a college list building and pre-application workshop that includes building the college list, requesting letters of recommendation, exploring college majors and tips for visiting campuses. Throughout the spring, college counselors support students during individual and group meetings, covering everything from SAT/ACT planning to researching colleges. College counselors help students identify and prioritize the criteria that matter most to them: What type of learning environment would I thrive in? How important is the college’s location and size? Which college has the best learning, research, or internship opportunities that match my career goals? Which colleges offer a great education and need-based and/or merit scholarships? In June, students start their applications and draft their college essays during our week long bootcamp, College Kickstart.
12th Grade - LAUNCH
Students put the pieces together, solidify their plans, and celebrate their next steps
Throughout the year we prioritize meeting with the seniors to ensure they feel confident and prepared to submit college applications or pursue other post secondary plans after graduation. College counselors partner with seniors to help them with each step of applying to college and solidifying their plans for after graduation.
Senior year begins with College Kickstart Parts 2 and 3, when students continue their applications. Our step-by-step application workshops help students complete the Common Application, the University of California and California State University applications, and our live and on-demand financial aid workshops and resources are available to assist families with financial aid applications. We foster a supportive environment and strong sense of camaraderie through events that give students the chance to collaborate and celebrate achievements along the way. Once decisions arrive, counselors support students as they compare financial aid packages, weigh their options, and select the college that’s best for them.
Parent Events
We provide events and learning experiences for not just students, but also for parents and guardians, throughout the year. These opportunities can include events such as college fairs, financial aid workshops, Coffee with Counselors, Road to College night and much more.
What We Do
College Kickstart - College application workshops that start junior year
Road to College - Features multiple workshops led by college professionals
College Representative Visits - Over 120 admissions officers come to campus
Schoology College Hub - Online toolkit and resources
The College Money Method - Financial aid workshop series and resources
Junior Kickstart - A college criteria and list building boot camp for juniors
Course advising - for 9th - 12th grades to support class selection
Regular communication with students and parents
Workshops and classroom presentations for all grade levels
Individual student meetings for seniors throughout the college application process