We look forward to seeing you back on campus in the new year! Spread the word: 2025 Camp Carondelet Registration Opens on Monday, January 27 at 4 PM. View the Camp Carondelet webpage for more details.
Our academic departments offer challenging classes across the curriculum.
Carondelet’s innovative curriculum creates a learning environment that helps students acquire the skills they will need in their ever-changing future. In our classes, students actively use creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills that are vital to their future success.
We offer our students a challenging college preparatory curriculum including elective courses in art, music, kinesiology, and computer science. We also offer a full range of AP and Honors courses in English, Math, Social Studies, Modern Languages, Science, Computer Science, and Visual and Performing Arts. We also have an intentional Educational Resource Program for those students in need of academic support.
At the Junior and Senior level, the combined course offerings of Carondelet and De La Salle, an adjacent Catholic boys’ school, provide a co-educational experience while maintaining each individual school’s identity.
In addition to academic offerings, we offer a variety of extracurricular activities including campus ministry, theater, honor societies, interscholastic sports, music, peer counseling, athletics, student government, and yearbook to provide learning in and outside of the classroom.
Carondelet is dedicated to inspiring excellence in our students, helping them to realize their full potential and discover their passions as women of heart, faith, courage, and excellence. See what learning looks like at Carondelet!
→ Graduation Requirements (classes of ’24-’25)
GPA: Grades are weighted for honors and AP classes.
Class rank: Carondelet does not rank. A deciles system is used.
A | 94-100 | C | 74-76 |
A- | 90-93 | C- | 70-73 |
B+ | 87-89 | D+ | 67-69 |
B | 84-86 | D | 64-66 |
B- | 80-83 | D- | 60-63 |
C+ | 77-79 | F | 59 or below |