The retreat program is designed to offer our student community time for rest, reflection, and bonding with self, others, and God. The charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph and the Carondelet High School mission is woven into the themes of each retreat.
Shalom Retreat 2020
Senior Kairos Journey Retreat (Class of 2025)
The Kairos Journey retreat is a three-day, two-night retreat away from campus. All other retreats build up to this summative senior experience. On Kairos, students have an opportunity to develop deeper relationships with God, others, and self through reflection, prayer, student and adult talks, community building and small group sharing. They recollect how the spirit of the CSJ tradition has shaped them during high school as they reflect on their sacred life story. Seniors often leave this retreat with a deeper sisterhood connection than they thought was possible, and a desire to live life more fully aware of God’s presence in everyday moments.
When seniors register for the Kairos Journey, student athletes are asked to consider avoiding their season of sport and/or play-off schedules in order to minimize impact on their team.
Kairos Retreat Registration Process
Initial Scheduling:
Once Campus Ministry posts Retreat Date Request Forms, families will select 2 preferred dates from a list of available retreat dates by the deadline indicated. We strongly encourage students to choose retreat dates carefully, considering academic, personal, athletic, and other commitments (refer to the chart of retreat date details for guidance).
Retreat Assignments:
Families will receive an email notifying them of their students’ retreat assignment and will be asked to confirm their spot.
There will be a Retreat Change Period during which families can submit a Retreat Change Request without a fee.
Retreat Change Requests:
Retreat Change Request Form must be submitted by the below deadlines:
Kairos 100, 101: Aug. 16, 2024
Kairos 102, 103: Dec. 1, 2024
Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to availability and logistical constraints.
When families submit a Retreat Change Request Form, they forfeit their spot on the retreat for which they are currently registered.
Approval Criteria:
Approval of date change requests is not guaranteed.
Priority is given to requests based on academic and athletic schedules, family events, etc.
Requests based on preference or convenience will be considered low priority.
Processing Time and Change Verification:
Retreat Change Requests will be reviewed as quickly as possible and families will receive verification of approval status within a specified time period (the request and approval process usually takes 2 weeks).
During peak registration periods, response times may be extended.
If a date change cannot be accommodated, students may be placed on a waitlist for their requested date.
Families who request a date change after the deadlines above will be charged a Retreat Change Fee of $75.
Late Cancellations and No-Shows:
There is a Late Cancellation Fee of $200 for families who cancels within 4 weeks of the retreat (excluding illness/injury)
If students do not show up on the day of a retreat without prior cancellation notice, the family will also be charged the $200 Fee.
Retreat registrations are non-transferable. Students may not transfer their registration to another individual.
Families will be notified of the outcome of their date change request via email.
Families are asked to please check their email and follow up if they do not receive a response within the specified timeframe.
The Shalom retreat is a two-days, one-night retreat away from campus that focuses on well-being and spiritual growth. Juniors are faced with many pressures and often lose sight of the peace and well-being that God desires for them during this stressful year. The Shalom retreat encourages students to reflect on what holds them back from spiritual freedom and gives them an opportunity to explore various spiritual practices and prayer forms so that they may leave the retreat with helpful tools that can assist them in finding and maintaining Shalom (peace and wholeness) in their lives.
There are 180 spots available which fill on a first come, first served basis.
Whenjuniorsregister forShalom,student athletes are asked to consider avoiding their season of sport and/or play-off schedules in order to minimize impact on their team.
Shalom Retreat Registration Process
Initial Scheduling:
Once Campus Ministry posts Retreat Date Request Forms, families will select 2 preferred dates from a list of available retreat dates by the deadline indicated. We strongly encourage students to choose retreat dates carefully, considering academic, personal, athletic, and other commitments (refer to the chart of retreat date details for guidance).
Retreat Assignments:
Families will receive an email notifying them of their students’ retreat assignment and will be asked to confirm their spot.
There will be a Retreat Change Period during which families can submit a Retreat Change Request without a fee.
Retreat Change Requests:
Retreat Change Request Form must be submitted by the below deadlines:
Shalom 1:Aug. 16, 2024
Shalom 2, 3:Dec. 1, 2024
Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to availability and logistical constraints.
When families submit a Retreat Change Request Form, they forfeit their spot on the retreat for which they are currently registered.
Approval Criteria:
Approval of date change requests is not guaranteed.
Priority is given to requests based on academic and athletic schedules, family events, etc.
Requests based on preference or convenience will be considered low priority.
Processing Time and Change Verification:
Retreat Change Requests will be reviewed as quickly as possible and families will receive verification of approval status within a specified time period (the request and approval process usually takes 2 weeks).
During peak registration periods, response times may be extended.
If a date change cannot be accommodated, students may be placed on a waitlist for their requested date.
Families who request a date change after the deadlines above will be charged a Retreat Change Fee of $75.
Late Cancellations and No-Shows:
There is a Late Cancellation Fee of $200 for families who cancels within 4 weeks of the retreat (excluding illness/injury)
If students do not show up on the day of a retreat without prior cancellation notice, the family will also be charged the $200 Fee.
Retreat registrations are non-transferable. Students may not transfer their registration to another individual.
Families will be notified of the outcome of their date change request via email.
Families are asked to please check their email and follow up if they do not receive a response within the specified timeframe.
The Corazón retreat is a one-day retreat for sophomores that focuses on building community and inclusive friendships. Sophomore year is filled with changes and many students find themselves wondering who their real friends are and/or struggling with how to be true to themselves while pushing social boundaries. On Corazón, sophomores will be challenged to consider the importance of inclusion and empathy as they navigate the heightened social pressures of high school. Through games, activities, and discussion, they are invited to look for the presence of God in each person they encounter and commit to building friendships that demonstrate that. This retreat is offered on four different dates in November.
Corazon Retreat Registration Process
Step 1:Campus Ministry sends families a Date Request Form
Step 2:Families review Carondelet Retreat Policies and communicate with athletic coaches, if necessary
Step 3: Families complete Registration Form by deadline(September 16, 2024)
Step 4:Families receive notification of students’ assigned retreat datewith a deadline for Retreat Change Requests (September 27, 2024)
Step 5: Retreat Rosters and Registration are set and further requests for a date change will incur aRetreat Change Fee of $75.
Step 6: Those who cancel within 1 week of the retreat (for reasons other than illness) will be charged aLate Cancellation Fee of $100
The deadline to register is Friday, August 25, 2024
TheAlpha Retreat welcomes Frosh students into the Carondelet community. A variety of icebreakers, reflections, community builders, discussions, and prayers are led by older students and adults. The retreat is like one epic sleepover. The class of 2028will be introduced to the Sisters of St. Joseph tradition as they begin their journey to live the values of Faith, Heart, Courage, and Excellence.
Alpha Retreat Registration Process
Step 1:Campus Ministry sends families a Retreat Registration Form
Step 2:Families review Carondelet Retreat Policies and communicate with athletic coaches, if necessary
Step 3: Families complete Registration Form by deadline(September 6, 2024)
Step 4: Those who cancel within 1 week of the retreat (for reasons other than illness) will be charged a Late Fee of $100
Carondelet High School’s comprehensive retreat program seeks to nurture the spiritual growth of students and deepen connections within the school community. The Retreat Program is designed as a four-year experience and, although none of the retreats are mandatory, students are encouraged to attend their grade level retreat each year. In particular, the Frosh retreat,Alpha, is a core experience at Carondelet, helps ease the transition into high school, and often paves the way for strong friendships and a sense of belonging. Alpha, along with each subsequent retreat,is designed to meet students at their developmental stage and provides a foundation for retreat the following year. The comprehensive four-year Retreat Program is seen as an integral part of education at Carondelet. All school days missed for retreats are excused absences. All staff, faculty, and coaches support the central role that retreats play in students’ formation and will work to accommodate students’ participation. In order to honor the integrity of the retreat and the cohesiveness of the group, students must attend the entire retreat, from the beginning of the retreat to the end. Please communicate with Campus Ministry staff if your student has a medical reason to attend only part of a retreat.
Attendance and School Work
Attending a retreat is an excused absence.
When missing school for overnight retreats, all students are given 6 calendar days to learn new material and complete assignments given while on retreat.
If an essay, test or project due date falls on a retreat day, teachers may require students to complete these before the retreatif students were aware of the due date and had been given the same amount of time to prepare as the rest of the class. If an essay, test or project due date falls on the day after the retreat, teachers may require students to complete them upon returnif no new material was covered during the retreat, students were aware of the due date, and had been given the same amount of time to prepare as the rest of the class.
Student athletes are asked to consider avoiding their season of sport and/or play-off schedules in order to minimize impact on their team, however, this is not always possible. Student athletes may not be penalized for missing practices while attending retreat.
Students are responsible for proactively communicating with teachers and coaches about attending retreats in a timely manner
Student Safety and Well-being
During retreats, students are invited to be thoughtful, open and authentic in their reflections and sharing. In that process, students often share about difficult and/or painful experiences. Out of care and concern for our students, and because of our legal responsibility as mandated reporters, Campus Ministry staff, along with all other adults in attendance on retreats, we will take steps to report any harm (self or by others), abuse or assault that a minor shares with us (past or present). We are honored that students trust us and turn to us for safety and support when needed.
Behavioral Commitment
While on retreat, students are held accountable for the behavioral guidelines outlined in section 4 of the Student Handbook. Some key policies to keep in mind while attending retreats with Carondelet staff and moderators are as follows:
During school-sponsored events, the faculty/staff moderator is responsible for all students.The moderator determines trip guidelines including curfew, behavior expectations, meal schedules, required participation, and mandatory attendance. The trip moderator will report any violations of rules or policies to the Dean of Students and/or Assistant Dean of Students.
Drug & Alcohol Policy: Any student found to be in possession of illegal substances, object, paraphernalia materials, items related to the use of, or productions of, illegal substances will face consequences as delineated in the student handbook.
Harassment-Free Policy: Carondelet High School is committed to maintaining a professional and congenial learning environment that respects the dignity of each individual. The school will not tolerate any form of harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, protected activity (i.e., opposition to prohibited discrimination or participation in the statutory process) or any characteristic protected under federal, state, or local law, either in school, or at school-sponsored events/athletic competitions.
Tech Services & Appropriate Use: Violating the privacy of individuals by recording of any kind of students, faculty, or staff without consent. Furthermore, posting these photos or recordings on social media may result in disciplinary action.
Search & Seizure:The administration or designated representatives reserve the right to search and confiscate a student’s person, personal property, or vehicle for illegal substances or weapons at school (both Carondelet High School and or De La Salle High School), or at school-sponsored events and school-wide programs and activities at Carondelet High School and De La Salle High School. Disciplinary incidents that occur on campus will be investigated per school protocols.
Financial Commitment
The cost of retreats is covered in tuition. Families do not need to pay for students to register for and attend retreats. Since the majority of Carondelet students attend retreats, we appreciate families’ partnership in streamlining the retreat registration process by avoiding date changes whenever possible. Carondelet enters into contracts with various retreat and conference centers and aims to minimize the impact on our administrative staff that retreat changes and cancellations have. There are waiting lists for the junior Shalom and senior Kairos Journey retreats, and it is difficult to move students from the waiting list with little notice. There is a Retreat Change Fee of $75 if students ask to switch retreat dates after the Retreat Change Deadline (various deadlines outlined above). Additionally there is a Late Cancellation fee of $200 when students cancel within 1 month of a Shalom or Kairos retreat and $100 when students cancel within 1 week of an Alpha or Carazón retreat. These fees will be added to family tuition bills.