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Get ahead on your coursework with our teachers this summer.
Math Courses
Summer math courses allow students to progress in the math curriculum. All sessions will be off June 19 in observance of Juneteenth.Register here. Incoming freshmen should wait until after they get their results from the Math Placement Exam before they register.
Registration opens on May 15 at 8:00 AM.
This year students will register for the summer math program on aper week basis. Classes will be held in the Jean Hofmann Center for Innovation Monday through Friday each week (except Wednesday, June 19). Two sessions each day will be available: an early morning session from 8:30 - 10:00 AM and a late morning session from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. The summer program will run during the following weeks:
Week 1:June10 – 14
Week 2:June17 – 21 (no class June 19)
Week 3:June24 – 28
Week 4:July8 – 12
Week 5:July15 – 19
The average completion time for a topic during the summer is one week when students attend every day - however, some topics are longer or more challenging and students may take more or less time to complete a topic.
Students are not required to attend consecutive weeks and can sign up for any combination that fits their summer schedule. While we hope to avoid as many absences during the week as possible, we recognize that students might not be able to attend all five days. All of the course materials will be made available on Schoology and can be accessed from home. Absent days cannot be carried over to the following week.
While all testing must be done on campus, students are able to test during a session they are not enrolled in. For example, an early morning student can sign up to test during the late morning session so as to not waste an entire day testing.
Tuition: $125 per week. This includes five on-campus days with a lead teacher and access to all online materials.
Any questions about specific summer recommendations for your student should go to their Lead Teacher. If you have any additional questions please reach out toDerrick Boone via email.
We look forward to working with your daughter this summer!
Students are encouraged to remediate a grade of D+ or below to remain eligible for admission to 4-year colleges. Any “F” grade earned in a non-elective course must be remediated to obtain a Carondelet High School diploma. Open to Carondelet students only.
Monday, June 3 - Thursday, July 18 (There will be no programming during the week of July 1.)
On-Campus: Monday-Thursday, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Students will meet on-campus for check-in and study group.
Price: $100 for Carondelet support (due at registration), plus course fee to be paid directly to third-party vendor (after registration).
Any “F” grade earned in a non-elective course must be remediated to obtain a Carondelet High School diploma.
Students are also encouraged to remediate a grade of D+ or below to remain eligible for admission to 4-year colleges.
Students will personally enroll in a recommended online course and receive support at school to stay organized and make sure they stay on track! This program is open to Carondelet students only. Students with a grade of an F are mandated to attend Supported Remediation at this time.