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Advent Project Information

Crayons @ Carondelet

Lighting up Our World with Color

2023 SLC Advent Project to benefit The Crayon Initiative.

The Advent season is the four weeks leading up to Christmas, starting right after Thanksgiving. During this time, we prepare our hearts for Jesus to enter our lives. Just as Mary and Joseph prepared themselves for the birth of Jesus, we prepare ourselves to receive Jesus into our hearts again at Christmas. Advent is a time for waiting and getting ready for the coming of Jesus by giving back, helping others, and reflecting on our year.

When Jesus came to Earth, he brought light to the world. To honor the joy and love he brought through his birth, we will be partnering with the Crayon Initiative, which brings happiness to children in hospitals by giving them crayons. We hope our community will light up these kids’ worlds with crayons just like Jesus lit up our world when coming to Earth.

We will be sending the crayons to The Crayon Initiative who will melt them down by color. After the melting process, these crayons are formed into new, bigger crayons which makes it easier for children and the elderly to hold. In addition to a crayon collection drive, we are asking our community to write cards to children in hospitals and the elderly in nursing homes. We will have three lunch-time activities where we will use the crayons collected during the drive to color and write these cards. These colorful cards of hope will be delivered to children in the hospital and/or patients in memory care during an optional Advent Service Field Trip on Dec. 15.

Donations will be collected in the Crayola boxes in the Inner Court from November 27 to Dec 18, 2023. Please make sure to donate USED or BROKEN crayons. We will accept new crayons, but prefer ones that have previously been used.

How can you contribute?

Donate: crayons in any condition (preferably used or broken)

Write: holiday cards to children and the elderly on the following dates (all events will happen during lunch at the Inner Court)

    • Dec. 7: cards/coloring pages for children in the hospital (sponsored by Frosh Council)
    • Dec. 12: letters of love to the elderly in nursing homes
    • Dec 15: writing letters to Sisters of St. Joseph (sponsored by Senior Council, location: Jean Hofmann Center for Innovation)


    • Dec. 15 from 2:00 - 6:00 PM: go on the service field trip to deliver the cards/letters to patients. Sign up here!

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