Crab Feed registration is now open. Learn more and secure your tickets here!
This course is designed to challenge the experienced dance student. Emphasis is placed on improving technique through the execution of advanced extensions, turns, and jumps, including, but not limited to needles, fouettés, turns à la seconde, raked extensions, scissor jetés, straddle jetés, axles, and illusions. The development of the stylized movement is a prominent aspect of this class. A comprehensive warm-up, a series of across the floor exercises, and a variety of dance combinations are taught throughout the semester, focusing on the genres of jazz, lyrical, and contemporary/modern. Students will have the opportunity to explore the art of choreography and may be required to participate in public performance(s).
Note: Carondelet dance pant, leotard, and appropriate dance shoes are required.
*may be applied as kinesiology, Visual and Performing Arts or as elective credit.
Audition or written approval of instructor