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Camp Carondelet Registration for 2025

We look forward to seeing you back on campus in the new year! Spread the word: 2025 Camp Carondelet Registration Opens on Monday, January 27 at 4 PM. View the Camp Carondelet webpage for more details.

AP Physics - I

AP Physics I is the equivalent of the first semester of algebra based college physics for life science majors. It explores topics such as Newtonian mechanics (including rotational motion); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and introductory, simple circuits. The course is based on core scientific principles that provide a broad way of thinking about the physical world. At least twenty percent of class time is spent on hands-on laboratory work where students are asked questions, make observations and predictions, design experiments, and analyze their data to understand why something happens the way it does. Through this inquiry based learning, students will develop scientific critical thinking and reasoning skills and will have a strong understanding of the main concepts of physics. The textbook, materials, and pace will be at a college freshman level. Students will be expected to spend at least four hours a week on coursework outside of the classroom. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement examination.

Course #



  • Science


UC, CSU, & NCAA Approved




Carondelet/De La Salle


11th & 12th grades


Completion of Chemistry with a B+ or Chemistry (H) with a B and current science teacher recommendation. B+ in Algebra 2 w/Trig or a B in Algebra 2 w/Trig (H) is also required. Concurrent enrollment in pre-calc or calc is highly recommended.

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