Modern World History is a year-long course designed to encourage discussion about how our world has been shaped socially, politically, religiously, and culturally. This course begins in the 1600s and will explore the major turning points that shaped the modern world including the Enlightenment, Industrialization, Imperialism, Nationalism, the World Wars, the Cold War, decolonization, and globalization. Students will investigate the foundational ideas that shaped the modern world in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas, and then explore the economic, political, and social revolutions that have transformed human history.
This course will explore themes that allow students to draw connections between the past and the present, across cultures, and among multiple perspectives. Through critical reading activities, feedback-rich instruction, and application-oriented assignments, students develop their capacity to conduct research, analyze sources, make arguments, and take informed action in order to be critical thinkers in the world.