Across California, students audition for coveted spots in the California All State Choir, an honors choir meant to bring talented and dedicated high school singers together to become stronger musicians and performers. This year, two Carondelet students hit the right notes and made the cut.
Rose Du Pont ’22 and Somachi Uwakwe ’23 are part of the 2022 All-State Choir and traveled to Fresno for three days last weekend, rehearsing eight songs before a performance on the third. This return to in-person, All-State was a phenomenal display of talent and dedication on the part of the young performers.
“Being on stage with such a talented group definitely gave me a feeling of belonging that was very much needed,” said Rose ’22. She explained that after two years with little to no opportunity to perform, it was empowering to be back on stage, working and singing alongside her peers.
“I definitely grew from the challenge and made a lot of friends,” she said. Rose started singing in middle school with the school’s choir program and now sings Alto 1 on the Concert and Chamber choirs at Carondelet. “I auditioned for the All-State Choir to challenge myself and make friends with talented singers.”
For Somachi Uwakwe ’23, being around other people as passionate about music as she is was a similarly transformative experience. “This was one of the most intense and fun experiences I’ve had with music in a very long time,” she said. For anyone passionate and or interested in the choir I’d recommend auditioning and experiencing it for yourself.”
The alto singer started her musical journey at three years old and joined her first choir at six, but was nervous to apply at first. “Mrs. Way was my biggest advocate for auditioning, and she helped in my preparation for the audition and learning my songs.”
In Fresno, students sang nonstop and had to know their parts in all eight songs well enough to pull off their performance—a challenge that created tight bonds between singers.
Look for the performance from Rose, Somachi, and the All-State Choir coming soon!