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Shredding the Competition

Jessica Belcher ’23 is one of the top-ranked female amateurs in the wake surfing community.

Jessica Belcher ’23 is one of the top-ranked wake surfers in the world. Following her first in-person competition in the past year, Jessica was ranked #1 in skim style and #3 in surf style among amateur women by the Competitive Wake Surfing Association. She has been competing remotely via video submission this last fall and winter which is counted towards overall ranking.

Jessica’s mother, Lesley, said, “We are very grateful for the flexibility that Carondelet has shown Jessica during this difficult year with COVID. She took advantage of the distant learning structure to increase her training schedule. Attendance Officer Ms. Malissa has been very supportive to Jessica during her recent travels to competitions and remote training.”

“Jessica also owes a lot of her success this year to the supportive environment she has experienced with her teachers.”

Congratulations and way to ride that wake!


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