Submitted by Camille Pyne Mahood LMFT ’89
Camille Mahood is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in Walnut Creek, CA. With a curiosity in human behavior and a desire to reduce adult emotional distress, Camille earned a MA in Counseling Psychology with a Specialization in Child and Adolescent Therapy. She believes that early intervention and creating accessible mental health services are the cornerstones to improving lives and making a difference in her community. Camille treats a variety of mental health issues in varying degrees and enjoys working with all ages.
Camille has an extensive history working as a mental health clinician with Contra Costa County Headstart preschools as she partnered with low income and immigrant children and families focusing on ages 0-5. 2015 marked Camille’s added focus of working with a broader range of clients including teens and in-depth psychotherapy within a private practice setting. Her expertise is addressing, analyzing, and repairing early parent/caregiver and child attachment disruptions and helping clients of all ages develop coping skills to improve their current state of emotional wellness.
Additionally, Camille is a Co-founder and Clinical Supervisor at Silver Fern Child and Family Therapy, Inc. in Walnut Creek, CA. Silver Fern, Inc. continues to grow in popularity among the Walnut Creek and surrounding areas with its mission to break the stigma of mental illness and create accessible mental wellness for all. Camille’s instrumentation in curating a collective group of Licensed Psychotherapist who provide a variety of specialized therapies in addition to her supportive and professional guidance of Master’s level Associates have successfully provided therapy to hundreds of clients throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Registered Associates looking to emphasize therapeutic skills work closely with a team of Licensed Supervisors as they treat a variety of psychological issues. Her vision of an immersed whole-person approach within the private practice setting continues to positively affect clients and colleagues alike. Camille is currently looking to expand her professional education through nutrition as an additional support for overall well-being as it pertains to mental health.