As we move through this time of staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, our neighbors far and wide need our support, care and compassion.
Here are some action steps that you can take from home to care for our dear neighbor:
Service - Random Acts of Kindness
- Bring joy & care to your neighborhood (hang homemade art or a sign up in your window, write inspiring messages with sidewalk chalk near your house, talk to you family to see if there are elders in your neighborhood who you should check in on, etc)
- Check in on someone you think might need extra support right now (take a moment to connect with a family member or friend you don’t see a lot, or someone who lives far away or lives alone)
- Post positive messages on social media (find the helpers, find the heroes, find messages of positivity that you can post and share with your virtual community)
- Learn about the needs of our local community and talk to your family about supporting an organization that needs extra help right now.
Advocacy - Supporting Communities in Need
Look to online organizing campaigns working to fulfill urgent needs:
- Take a moment to contact our congresspeople to ask that more funding be made available for senior support services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizations like Meals on Wheels are working to ensure that our elders have the food and support they need, but they will need financial relief over the next several months to make that happen.